Saturday evening was the annual banquet. We began by observing a moment of silence and prayer led by Jack Visser, in memory of Annabel Miller, and in support of our colleague Guy Miller. Following the delicious and plentiful buffet meal, Leland Hawes announced this year's Laureate Award winners, and handed out certificates to those winners who were with us at the banquet. George Hamilton then came to the podium and announced the winner of the Marge Adams Petrone Limerick contest. The winner was Bill Boys, whom we were privileged to have as a guest at the convention. Bill is the secretary-treasurer of the National Amateur Press Association. (Bob Tauber observed that we had attending this banquet the President, Official Editor, and Secretary-Treasurer of NAPA: Jack Visser, Gary Bossler, and Bill Boys, respectively. The former two are also AAPA members.)
The talk at the banquet was given by Dr. Jared Gardener. The title of his talk was "Serial Citizenship, the Amateur Printer and the Rise of Periodicals in America from Franklin to the 19th Century." I'll not include many details here, because as I understand, a condensed version of his talk will appear in the American Amateur Journalist.
After the banquet, there was further socializing in the hospitality suite until close to the witching hour. It has been a very enjoyable convention.