THE 2010 CONVENTION, the "NAPA - AAPA Concurrent Conventions" is unoficially underway as of Wednesday, July 21, 2010. Most of the activity thus far has been in the hospitality room. AAPA members that have arrived at this early date are Gary Bossler, George W. Hamilton, Arie Koelewyn, Guy Miller, Jack and Maurine Scott, Tom Whitbread, and yours truly (Ivan Snyder). Various NAPA members who do not also hold membership in the AAPA are also in the hospitality room.
It appears that the Chicago-Elk Grove Sheraton Suites (a very large hotel) will be a very suitable venue for this convention. I have a room somewhere on the edge of Cook County, but I was eventually able to find my way back to the lobby--and without a GPS, too!--just in time to connect with Jack and Maurine Scott, who graciously invited me to accompany them for a bite to eat in a nice Italian ristorante.
Tomorrow (Thursday) forenoon the NAPA business sessions begin. The AAPA, whose By-Laws forbid conducting official business at the conventions, has its first activity tomorrow evening: the Charlie Bush Chinese supper at the Peapod Restaurant.
Subsequent events start Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. with introduction of members present, Officer reports, announcements of the Marge Adams Petrone Limerick Contest, and a couple of presentations: Ron Hylton gives a presentation on the subject "Etaoin is my love," and Susan Petrone has one on "Things you can do online but can't do on paper."
More updates tomorrow--and hopefully a few photographs to help members match names with faces and places.