The 2012 AAPA convention continued this forenoon, starting with an informational session, which included introduction of attenders, officers' reports, and other miscellaneous discussions. Arrivals since yesterday include Jim Patton and Bob Tauber.
President Susan Petrone opened the session welcoming attenders to this convention, and thanking each one for sharing their weekend with the group. She also thanked the AAPA for entrusting the group to her leadership in last year's elections. Her first goal, she stated--somewhat "tongue in cheek"--was to keep from damaging the association. But further, she would like to increase activity and the fun we can have together as a group, participating in our hobby, amateur journalism. She would like to increase online participation among members who do not own printing equipment, those who are no longer able to or interested in operating printing equipment, and those who just like to use computers to have fun in amateur journalism, whether they do or do not have the availability to printing.
Secretary-treasurer Ivan Snyder, the only other officer at this convention, gave a brief report of membership statistics and the financial status. The report included five members we have lost to the grim reaper in the past twelve months, and sadly, that number has now increased to six, with the death of Santa Clara, California member Charles H. Hinde, Sr. on July 22. Membership as of the end of June 2012 was 222; we obviously need to do more recruiting, and every AAPA member is "deputized" to work on that task. The financial section shows that the balance is remaining fairly stable, hovering around the $7000 mark. This is a positive statistic, given the increased cost of mailing all bundles first class. Two factors which have made this possible are the generosity of some members who make donations to the organization--and some of them quite generous; and proceeds from the annual convention and its auction.
Some of the discussion which followed dealt with possibilities for next year's convention. Susan is open to receiving bids for members willing to host the 2013 event. So think about it!
After a short break, both AAPA and NAPA members gathered in the convention room for a very interesting demonstration of an easy method of bookbinding, led by Columbus, Ohio member Bob Tauber, Book Arts Specialist at the Ohio State University Libraries' Center for Book Arts and Logan Elm Press. Bob was capably assisted by Jim Patterson, also of Columbus, Ohio. Each one present was given materials for a book: paper components cut to size and binding thread; needles, wax, scissors, and bone folders were provided for the hands-on demonstration. Bob showed each step of the folding, sewing, and assembly; so that at the end of the session, each one had a small bound booklet.
Scheduled for this afternoon is a joint AAPA-NAPA session which will explore ways the two groups can coƶperate, as well as a report from Tom Parson on the status of the Graham-Wesson collection. The joint auction is to be held this evening. So stay tuned for more reports from the 2012 convention.